Rêves & Histoires

Summer Vacation Face Mask

At Society6
Our multiuse, machine-washable face masks feature designs from our talented community of independent artists. The pleated front expands to snugly cover your mouth while the flat woven elastic loops comfortably fit behind your ears. Dual layer construction allows for an easily accessible inner pocket to insert your own disposable filters. Plus, a portion of all proceeds will be donated to help the COVID-19 recovery effort. Every product is made just for you Machine-washable Crafted with a poly fabric and woven elastic ear loops Pleated, dual layer construction for snug fit Includes an inner "pocket" for disposable filters Mask measurements: 7" x 3.5" Not medical grade Filters not included A portion of all proceeds will be donated to help the COVID-19 recovery effort Masks sold on Society6 are for general public use only and are not intended for use in medical settings. More legal info here.