Spring Epilator
Removes facial hair from the roots without damaging the skin as waxing or bleaching does.
Say goodbye to creams, depilatories, waxes, bleaches, shavers and expensive treatments.
Results last up to 6 weeks, keep your face clean for a long time.
Effective. Affordable. Easy. Fast. Portable. Convenient.
Suitable for sensitive skin. More Safer & Healthier. 100% money back guarantee.
Mukazom Facial Hair Remover - the natural solution for removing facial hair
- Mukazom Facial Hair Remover works like a tweezer except that it removes a small area of hair at a time so it is much faster.
- No chemicals are used so anyone can use Mukazom as often as they like to remove facial hair.
- Mukazom Facial Hair Remover removes facial hair by trapping the unwanted hair in its precision coils and lifting them by the roots in a simple Bend and Roll movement.
- Flawless hair-free skin is achieved in just a few minutes, without the need for a mirror.
- Hair eventually grows back finer and softer, thus reducing the need to remove facial hair as often.
- The perfect beauty tool to bring for travel and for that last minute touch-ups.
- Convenient and Easy to Use in the privacy and comfort of your home.
How to use:
Bend spring into inverted U shape.
Using thumbs & index fingers, twist handles inwards and outwards
While twisting handles glide spring upwards over unwanted hair
Click Add To Basket & Purchase Your Facial Hair Remover Today.