Quest All-in-one Vr Gaming System (64gb)
At B&H
The Quest is the fist fully fuctioning VR headset fom Oculus that is completely wieless ad equies o additioal hadwae (o smatphoe, o televisio, o PC o laptop) to ejoy. You simply put o the headset, alig you boudaies with the Guadia system, ad dowload you games via a Wi-Fi coectio. The Quest has 64GB of capacity to stoe you favoite games ad apps. The sesos that mak the playfield ae completely cotaied i the headset, thaks to iside-out tackig, ulike othe bulky VR headsets whee a physical bouday make is equied. All games ae available o the obust Oculus Stoe. Iside the headset is a OLED display usig custom-desiged Fesel leses with 1440 x 1600 pixels pe eye ad a 72 Hz efesh ate fo smooth, seamless gamig. The games ae fu ad egagig, ad will mostly appeal to games that ae lookig fo a challege without staiig thei figes, eyes, ad bai. Although thee ae may moe gamig optios o the Oculus Rift S (ad fewe o the Oculus Go), the lieup o the Quest is pefect fo the game i you life. Pemie titles like Vade Immotal, Jouey of the Gods, Keep Talkig ad Nobody Explodes ad Supehot VR ae just a few that will big expeieced games ito the fold. If you'e lookig fo the hot gift fo games i you life, the Oculus Quest fits the bill with its completely wieless setup, ease of use, ad obust lieup of games.