More Than A Housewife
Vicki Gunvalson, of The Real Housewives of Orange County fame, shares through her book, More Than a Housewife, the reality of dealing with “-reality.”- Starting with her childhood and progressing through her business life, she shares her personal insights to recognizing purpose and direction and the actions she took to create a profitable business and a very comfortable lifestyle. Included in Vicki’-s book are many tell-tale insights and experiences while being on the hit Bravo TV show. More Than a Housewife will appeal to men and women that want more out of life, but may not feel the opportunity exists. “-Winners of the race don’-t slow down,”- is a motto Vicki adheres to as she continues to reach pinnacles that set her personal and business life in upper echelons. Completing the book with her philosophy on living an inspirational life, Vicki shares some of her observations regarding marriage, kids, retiring and the art of living well.