Luxe Bouquet
Medium Round Everlasting Bouquet Box
At Luxe Bouquet
Inspired by Parisian floristry, the Medium Round Everlasting Bouquet Box is our signature box of real roses that last a year, with no sunlight or water required.
Surprise your family, friends and loved ones with a luxurious handcrafted bouquet that has been carefully created using only the finest roses from Ecuador and Colombia. Our roses are cut when they are in their most beautiful state and undergo a special preservation process using our proprietary solution of glycerin as well as other natural ingredients.
The opulent rose bouquet box is the perfect gift and luxury addition to any home, reception, office or event table. Great for any celebratory occasion – whether it be an engagement, wedding, birthday, anniversary, bridal shower, baby shower, Valentine’s Day or even as a just-because present. All bouquet boxes are made to order. Every arrangement will include care instructions and a complimentary message card. Please contact us if you have any special requests at
Hat box dimensions are 18 cm x 13 cm. This arrangement includes approximately 13 everlasting roses. The number of roses included will vary depending on the size of the rosebuds used in the bouquet. Any accessories shown are not included. To maintain the bouquet's vibrant appearance and longevity, please avoid direct exposure to sunlight, excessive heat or moisture.