Knock Knock
Make Shit Happen Pad, Daily Planner Notepad, 6 X 9-inches
No matter the details, we all have the same desire: to make sh*t happen!
Use this pad to note today's biggest and most pressing goals, then simply list all the steps you need to take in order to accomplish them; before you know it, you’ll be checking that sh*t off your list, making sh*t happen—and attaining total fulfillment (or some sh*t like that)
6 x 9-inches, 60-sheet notepad
Improve your productivity with a pad that gives a sh*t
An effective gift for friends looking to improve their organizational skills and time management
No matter the details, we all have the same desire: to make Sh*t happen. Use this pad to note today’s biggest and most pressing goals, then simply list all the steps you need to take in order to accomplish them. Before you know it, you’ll be checking that Shy*t off your list, making Shy*t happen—and attaining total fulfillment. Or some Shy*t like that. Improve your productivity with a pad that gives a Shy*t. An effective gift for friends looking to improve their organizational skills and time management. Knock is an independent maker of clever gifts, books, and whatever else we can think up; our mission is to bring humor, creativity, and smarts to everyday life. 6 x 9-inches, 60-sheet notepad.