
Le Vernis Longwear Nail Colour

At Chanel
LONGWEAR NAIL COLOUR Description Description LE VERNIS by CHANEL: A long-wear, protective nail polish with lasting shine designed to make vibrant colours dazzle. Long-wearing, extra-fine and ultra-shiny, each coat offers an absolutely even and lacquered result. How to use After washing your hands, file your nails and remove particles with a small KABUKI BRUSH. Wipe your nails clean with a cloth. Apply the BODY EXCELLENCE HAND CREAM. Push back your cuticles at the base and sides of the nail with an orange stick, then remove oil from the nail surface using a cotton pad moistened with nail polish remover. Apply a thin layer of LA BASE. Then apply a first layer of LE VERNIS, folllowed by a second coat - as thick as the first, for a more vivid colour.