Primal Life Organics
Happy Papillae Tongue Scraper- Copper, Natural Tongue Cleaner
Primal Life Organic&rsquo-s Happy Papillae Tongue Scraper is like a magic wand, making bad breath germs disappear. But, you already brush your teeth so you don&rsquo-t need it right? WRONG! Go ahead, stick out your tongue, we won&rsquo-t be offended. Is your tongue a healthy pink? Or, does it have an icky, white coating? Yeah, that&rsquo-s what we thought. That coating is the bacteria that put off those noxious sulfur compounds and create the morning breath that makes you want to hide your head under your pillow in shame. But with Primal Life Organic&rsquo-s Happy Papillae Tongue Scraper -(thats [puh-pil-ee]) you can finally stop hiding, get the freshest breath you&rsquo-ve ever had and make your mornings happy again. Our Happy Papillae Tongue Scraper is made from copper, the only material a tongue scraper should ever be made out of. That&rsquo-s because the copper in Primal Life Organic&rsquo-s Happy Papillae Tongue Scrape helps kill off those bad bacteria living rent-free in your mouth. And by the way, that&rsquo-s not just a &ldquo-tongue- in- cheek&rdquo- comment. Primal Life Organic&rsquo-s Happy Papillae Tongue Scraper clears toxins and bacteria from your tongue and removes that thick, nasty coating that causes the stinkiest of breath. Our copper tongue scraper even helps eliminate undigested food particles from your tongue &ndash- clearing away the garbage and its atrocious smell. By ensuring your tongue is as clean as possible, our Happy Papillae Tongue Scraper also enhances your sense of taste, so you can enjoy your food like never before. -