CTS Air Plants

Ctsairplants 5 Pack Assorted Tillandsia Air Plants

ASSORTED TILLANDSIA 5 PACK: 5 unique and beautiful plants-Perfect size for small orbs and terrariums. 5 Pack Includes: a mix of 5 different plants : capitata peach, butzii, ionantha Guatemala, fuchsii v gracilis, caput medusae. CARE:Great pack for orbs. Very hardy varieties-great for the beginner. Keep them in a sunny window and soak for 8 hours once every 1-2 weeks and that's it. COLOR: Most plants will be shades of green, some have a touch of orange or red. Plants received may or may not be in bloom SIZE: Plants received will range in size from 1" to 5" or larger depending on availability. Note-please let us know if you need varieties labeled for i.d. otherwise plants are shipped all together.