Temple & Webster

Bleached Watson Hand-woven Jute Rug

At Temple & Webster
Lay this rug down for a light foundation that adds a sense of brightness to your room. The beautiful woven design is made of jute, which is gorgeously soft underfoot, with a look that works in any relaxed setting. Features: Materials: jute Includes: 1 x rug Its lovely softness also means it's best suited to low - medium traffic areas New rugs, particularly those that include wool fibres, are susceptible to shedding. With care and treatment most rugs should stop shedding within 2-3 months We recommend the use of a rug pad to prevent slipping and tripping, as well as to extend the life of your rug Note: as rug images are taken in a studio environment, please allow for colour variations depending on your monitor settings & the lighting environment in your home Product Details: Material: Jute Handmade: Yes Product Care: Vacuum clean to remove dust Are you a trade or commercial customer? Join our trade program now.