
Astrology App

At Hint
Hyper-personalized astrology We use NASA data to compare the position of the planets to the exact time, date, and place of your birth to produce the blueprint of your astrological identity. The insights in Hint are unique to each person, being carefully crafted by our AI engine combined with the knowledge of our proferssional astrologers . 1 - 1 Guidance Access to on-demand personalized recommendations via unlimited 1:1 guidance with your own professional astrologer. Horoscope Hint provides insights to help you feel better prepared for the future based on the real-time data of each planetary position and movement. Compatibility Full compatibility reports on intimacy, friendship, relationship, family and work. Your chart Everything you need to know to decode your chart - and your personality. As Seen In In the last few years, astrology has seen a boom in the era of digital astrological services. Hint quickly became a recognized leader in the field in 2020. Hint is the No.1 most downloaded app this year, bringing a global influence to over 25 million users. The highest-rated astrology app is one you might not have heard of: Hint; an app that offers not just horoscopes, but real-time guidance with a professional astrologer.