Tanning by the pool. Drinking to excess. Sleeping around. Eating the entire box of Samoas in one sitting. It seems like every time human beings discover something fun to do, we get word that it's no good, very bad behaviour that will lead to wrinkles, heartbreak, and cancer. (Always cancer.)
But sometimes, the powers that be go overboard. They convince us we need to worry about things that, in the grand scheme of it all, just aren't that big of a deal. We only have so many fucks to give in this lifetime, and when it comes to skin, our focus should be on sun protection, cleansing, and a good ol' antioxidant-filled routine.
Want to read something on the internet today that's the equivalent of a nice, deep yoga inhale and exhale? Something that clears up .01% of headspace? Then click through the slideshow ahead for seven so-called bad skin habits that derms say are actually NBD. Told you, mom.