4 Skincare Trends That Are Going To Be Everywhere In 2021
Last Updated 20 January 2021, 11:07
Your hands are dry and ashy from using hand sanitiser every five minutes, you’ve been switching off between staring at your phone and computer, and you're actively avoiding doing the mental maths to figure out how high your screen time is. Maybe your skin threw some curveballs at you last year, and you ended up stocking up excessively during Black Friday and Cyber Monday... only to realise you don’t need half the products you anxiously tracked on the postal website.
You don’t have to admit any of this to us — we’re already here to give you the guide we think might help you stay ahead of the skincare phenomena we predict will gain more traction over the next eleven months. Ahead, the top trends and products to keep an eye on in 2021, and the best dermatologist tips for getting in on them.
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