On Monday, GQ announced Euphoria lead Zendaya as the star of its February cover. In addition to the cover story, titled “Welcome To Zollywood,” the 24-year-old actress posed for a shoot that showed her wearing many hats, literally. Styled by Law Roach, Zendaya modelled an unmatched collection of headgear, from beanies to bucket hats, in addition to other on-trend pieces like chunky slides and animal print track shorts.
On the cover, the actress wore a floral-print button-down with gray trousers from Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello. She topped off the look with a gold, chenille bucket hat by Post Imperial. The hat appeared throughout the shoot, for which Zendaya posed on top of an SUV, lounged on the floor in head-to-toe Prada, and hung off the railing outside her dressing room. While posing in a Wales Bonner jacket and mint-colored Adidas Originals by Wales Bonner track shorts, Zendaya wore a black-and-white striped beanie by The Elder Statesman. The last photo from the shoot captured Zendaya on a golf cart in a Celine menswear ensemble by Hedi Slimane that included tiger-print shorts, a cut-off Hawaiian shirt, and a bleach-dyed bucket hat.
In the accompanying story, Zendaya spoke about her year ahead, one that includes the release of Dune, in which she stars alongside close friend and fellow Hollywood favourite Timothée Chalamet; Malcolm & Marie, a black-and-white movie that sees her acting opposite John David Washington; and another Spiderman film. This year will also see the second special episode of Euphoria that follows a December episode centered around Zendaya’s character Rue and will showcase co-star Hunter Schafer’s character Jules’ point of view.