Your Horoscope This Week


A window of opportunity opens on Sunday when the full Moon in Aries squares against transformative Pluto at 5:07 p.m. EST. This transit inspires us to pay attention to our emotions surrounding growth and change. Move forward and act courageously. We're ready to set ground rules on Monday when chatty Mercury sextiles responsible Saturn. Use this favourable transit to get yourself on track with assignments, and seek out help when needed. If you've got knowledge to share, pass it on while these planets complement each other. Pay attention to how you react to impending power struggles on Monday when the Sun squares against subversive Pluto. Guard how you react to volatile people, and understand how these experiences are helping you to grow and try again. Prioritize self-care while the Moon wanes in stable Taurus on Monday at 12:23 p.m. EST. Start small as you focus on sustaining your physical being until Wednesday at 4:37 a.m. EST. Take a little break from reality on Tuesday when thoughtful Mercury sextiles imaginative Neptune. Now is the time to flex your creative muscles — throw on your favourite playlist, catch a movie, or dive into an inspiring new book. Spend time catching up with friends and your community while the Moon wanes in chatty Gemini on Wednesday from 10:29 p.m. EST until Friday at 10:13 p.m. EST. We're in the mood to reconnect and tie up loose ends, make the most of it by putting your needs in the open. Surface level conversations won't satisfy us on Saturday when intelligent Mercury sextiles powerful Pluto. Quench your thirst for knowledge during this transit by researching new subjects so that you can ask the right questions. Be honest with yourself starting Saturday when the Moon wanes in sensitive Cancer at 6:42 a.m. EST. Focus on finding a sanctuary for your emotions while the Moon's energy decreases.

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