The New Moon In Virgo Has Arrived & It’s Time For You To Get It Together

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The era of establishing some order in our lives has arrived. Starting September 14, the new moon in Virgo will bestow its gifts upon us, pushing us forward and inspiring us to be productive in the areas of our lives that need it most. This energy will bring us a fresh, organised start — and you can use it to your advantage.
Virgo is a sign that likes effective time management and getting shit done. "During this new moon, you may feel a stronger urge to get organised, whether it's in your personal life, work, or home environment," says Hillary Coke, astrologer and tarot expert at Nebula Platform. "It's an excellent time for decluttering and streamlining your routines." Be realistic, though — Rome wasn't built in a day, and your new-and-improved routine won't be as foolproof as you want it to be during the glow of a new moon.
"Of all zodiac signs, Virgo is the most detail-oriented, gifting us the analytical skills we now need to see our current situations from an objective perspective," says Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for and author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. To make the best of this energy, Montúfar advises us to embrace practicality: Make lists, prioritise facts and figures, and analyse what needs to be changed and why. And take your time! Only then will we be set up for the ultimate success.
This particular new moon aspects both Uranus retrograde and Neptune retrograde, and the planetary ruler of the new moon in Virgo is Mercury, which is also retrograde. "This means that secrets will be revealed and miscommunications will be had. Uranus retrograde in Taurus will add an element of surprise while Neptune retrograde in Pisces will expose clandestine matters," says Lisa Stardust, astrologer and author of The Love Deck. "Now that we know the truth, can we ever go home or see people and situations in the same light?"
The new moon occurs the day before Mercury retrograde ends, and those specific days are called "station days." Stephanie Campos, astrologer and author of Seasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year says they often coincide with a moment of change or an important turning point. "As we plant new seeds under this new moon, we may also receive flashes of insight or experience a major upgrade to the Virgo section of our birth chart as Mercury changes directions in the sky," she says. "We're not only ready for a new beginning, but we're also ready to move in a new direction."
The new moon will be forming a grand trine in the sky with Uranus retrograde in Taurus and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, which will unite all of the earth signs, Campos says, adding that this will offer us a very unique portal for manifestation this year. "In astrology, grand trines are aspects of alignment, support, and flow," she says. "Taking place in material earth signs, this is a fertile opportunity to set intentions to build something tangible in the real world."
While this is a time to decide what we want to change in our lives, it may be better to put off implementing that change, but only for a little. This is because during this potent time, the sun will be forming an opposition with Neptune. "While this intense clash should not stop us, we must be aware that it could have a confusing effect," Montúfar says. "For this reason, this new moon is not the correct time to make changes just yet. The correct time to act comes one week later, once the Fall Equinox arrives on September 22."
The days around this new moon are giving New Years' energy — think of it as a head start to making 2024 the best it possibly can be. "Get granular with your daily routine and habits, and release outdated patterns and behaviours that no longer serve you and replace them with healthier alternatives that are going to bring you closer to the life you wish to lead," Campos says.
New moons in Virgo are here to remind us that there is magic in everyday life, according to Campos. While sometimes we can't feel that magic, trust us — it's there. And it's waiting for you to grab hold of it.
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