Hillary Clinton Takes A Break From Saving The World To Cut Bangs

Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images.
Saying Hillary Clinton has had a jam-packed schedule these last three days would be, to put it lightly, a gigantic understatement.
In the last 72 hours alone, she spoke about women empowerment at a Girls, Inc. luncheon in New York City to support the A Day Without A Woman initiative, then flew to Washington, D.C., to attend a Vital Voice Global Leadership event in honor of International Women’s Day, where she gave a equally important speech on gender equality, and somehow — in between all the world-changing — she also managed to squeeze in yet another humble endeavor: a haircut. Yeah, the woman has been busy.
That's not to say we're putting her piece-y new bangs and blunt bob in the same camp as her recent appearances — it's not even remotely close, even if it is does look incredibly chic. But it's a topic that not even Clinton herself is afraid to broach: The politician has jokingly referenced her hair on numerous occasions, particularly noting that she's no dummy — she knows people notice. In a 2001 speech to her alma mater, Yale University, Clinton said, "The most important thing I have to say to you today is that hair matters. This is a life lesson my family did not teach me, Wellesley and Yale Law School failed to instill: Your hair will send significant messages to those around you. Pay attention to your hair, because everyone else will."
Joking aside, we would like to give Clinton a shout out for finding some well-deserved time for self care. Any woman who can stand up against discrimination, travel the world, fight against social injustices, catch up with friends, and still find time for a little R&R? Well, that sounds like our kind of girl. And we're with her.
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