Ivanka Trump Has An Interesting Prediction About The Mueller Investigation

Photo: Al Drago/Bloomberg/Getty Images.
Although her father seems pretty damn nervous about Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Ivanka Trump is less bothered by the whole situation.
In an interview with ABC News' Abby Huntsman, the first daughter and adviser to the president said she has "zero concern" about Mueller's investigation ensnaring anyone she loves. "I'm not, I'm really not," a stoic Trump said when asked if she's worried. "You mentioned the Moscow example. That's a perfect example, there's nothing there. Yet, it's created weeks and weeks and months of headlines." The "Moscow example" she is referring to are reports that Mueller is investigating her and her brother Donald Trump Jr. for their involvement in failed negotiations for a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Trump told Huntsman she knew "literally almost nothing" about the deal that was allegedly still in the works during the presidential campaign. "There was never a binding contract. I never talked to the — with a third party outside of the organization about it," Trump said. "It was one of — I mean we could have had 40 or 50 deals like that, that were floating around, that somebody was looking at. Nobody visited it to see if it was worth our time. So this was not exactly like an advanced project."
She continued to downplay the proposed skyscraper, saying, "It’s not like it's a strange thing, as a hospitality company or a development company, to have a hotel or a property in Russia. We're not talking about Iran. It was Russia. And we weren't even advanced enough that anyone had even visited the prospective project site. So it really was just a non-factor in our minds. I'm not sure that anyone would have thought of it."
She struck a similar blasé tone when it was revealed last November she had used a private email account for official government business — something her father has repeatedly said Hillary Clinton should be in jail for.
The first daughter may be nonplussed about the investigation, but the same can't be said for President Donald Trump's closest associates, many of whom have been indicted, convicted, and/or sentenced to prison time, including his personal lawyer Michael Cohen and former campaign chair Paul Manafort.

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