Wait, Is The Ellen DeGeneres Show Ending?

Photo: Todd Williamson/Getty Images.
As with anything good and pure in this world, one day, The Ellen DeGeneres Show — and all its fun celebrity tea spilling — may be no more. That day may be a bit sooner than any of us expected.
In a recent New York Times profile pegged to DeGeneres' first Netflix special Relatable, the dancing talk show host revealed that, while she did just extend her contract with NBC through the summer of 2020 (yay!), she was "close" to declining the offer.
One person behind the idea of DeGeneres parting ways with her talk show (which, having began in 2003, currently has well over 2,000 episodes) is DeGeneres' wife, Portia de Rossi. The reason? She doesn't believe that DeGeneres shows her full self on the daytime program.
"I just think she’s such a brilliant actress and standup that it doesn’t have to be this talk show for her creativity," de Rossi told The New York Times. "There are other things she could tackle."
That may be true (who wouldn't love a third installment of the Finding Nemo franchise?!) but there would certainly be a huge hole in the daytime talk show space should DeGeneres walk away from her long-running program. Who will ask the Kardashians the tough stuff, in such a friendly way they're almost forced to confirm the hot goss?
Don't say Andy Cohen. It's not the same!
Fortunately, there are two people keeping DeGeneres in her talk show seat: her brother, and the President. According to the Finding Dory star, her brother insists she hang around NBC in order to provide a "positive, unifying voice" during Trump's not-so-united times.
While I am firmly in the "Do Not Cancel" camp (brother knows best in this case) de Rossi also has a point: The world is always ready for more DeGeneres. This year, they got just that: DeGeneres embarked on her first stand-up comedy tour in 15 years.
What's next for DeGeneres? Let's hope that whatever this star has on her agenda, she still spends her afternoons with the viewers at home.

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