Why Leonardo DiCaprio Is Totally Wrong For This Role, Plus More Stories

On The Trail: Hillary Clinton claimed the Democratic nomination.

Clinton emphasized the historic nature of her candidacy in a speech at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Secretary Clinton took time to turn the focus to those who came before her in the fight for women's rights. “Tonight is not about one person — it belongs to generations," Clinton said. "Women and men who sacrificed and made this moment possible." (Read More)

Tech Talk: Snapchat Discover has a whole new look.

In addition to a fresh interface, which presents channels with both headlines and images, Snapchat's update now allows users to subscribe to their favorite Discover accounts (hint: like Refinery29).(Read More)

Weird But True: The "Chewbacca Mask Mom" has made an estimated $420,000 since her Facebook Live video.

Candace Payne reportedly has received $420,000 since her viral video, including a scholarship from Southeastern University and gift cards, plus payment from her many talk-show appearances. Side note: Kohl's is now sold out of the Chewbacca masks she used in her video. (Read More)

Just Wrong: David Franzoni is writing a biopic of famous Persian poet Rumi — and he wants a white actor to play him.

In an interview, Franzoni explained he envisioned Leonardo DiCaprio in the role; commenters are not pleased, saying that casting decision would whitewash the role. Though the actor hasn't been formally cast or even asked, the suggestion the role could go to a white star angered many. (The Guardian)
Photo: David Fisher/REX/Shutterstock.

ICYMI: Savannah Guthrie has announced she will not be traveling to Rio to cover the Olympics because of Zika concerns.

The Today Show anchor is pregnant with her second child. Her first daughter, Vale Guthrie Feldman, is two years old. (Read More)

Fun Fact: The Playboy Mansion has a new owner — but its old tenant isn't leaving.

Hostess owner Daren Metropoulos bought the Playboy Mansion, reportedly paying considerably less than the $200 million asking price. Makes sense, considering the contract required that Hugh Hefner be allowed to remain in the mansion. Hefner, meet your new housemate. (Read More)

Talking Points: A new Stephen Hawking paper reveals an exciting theory about black holes.

Physical Review Letters will publish a paper from Dr. Hawking that suggests that black holes aren't the endless voids we once thought they were. As Hawking said in a speech last year, “They are not the eternal prisons they were once thought. If you feel you are trapped in a black hole, don’t give up. There is a way out.” (Read More)

Truthbombs: One writer explains that a size zero isn't always a size zero, and how that can mess with your head.

Vanity sizing is one way clothing retailers can subconsciously persuade you to buy that pair of jeans — if you feel thinner, you might be more likely to leave with full shopping bags. But the practice can also leave consumers unable to find their one true size confused and frustrated. (Read More)

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