The Most Controversial American Horror Story Moments Of All Time

Photo: MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images.
There is no show quite as bananas as Ryan Murphy's FX anthology American Horror Story. In an age where shows are applauded for subtle, carefully-considered storytelling — the "slow burn," if you will — American Horror Story bucks all the rules. It never fails to steer aggressively into insanity, be it crafting a cult of killer clowns, having Jessica Lange sing "The Name Game" in an insane asylum, or casting Stevie Nicks to play Steve Nicks, Actual White Witch.
Yet, with all the reasons to celebrate American Horror Story, it's also a series that is currently in its eighth season. As with any long-running show, it has made what some consider missteps along the way. Some controversies stem from potentially problematic material. Others are just considered bizarre and strange creative choices. (I'll take the latter over a risk-free TV series any day.)
So what were the most controversial moments on Murphy's mothership? Here are some moments that got fans talking, for better or worse.
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