This Instagrammer Opened Up About Loving Her "Soft Belly & Dimpled Thighs"

Body-positive blogger Megan Jayne Crabbe has inspired us over and over and over with the photos she posts to her Instagram account, @bodyposipanda, about learning to love her body. And she's done it again: Crabbe posted to Instagram yesterday about embracing the parts of her body she once thought of as flaws.
"#IHAVEEMBRACED THIS BODY" she wrote. "This soft tummy, these dimpled thighs, these jiggling arms, this bare face. All the parts I never thought I could. Because I realised couldn't spend any more of my life seeing my body as the enemy, instead of my home."
Her post comes after she watched Embrace, a documentary from body-positive advocate Tayrn Brumfitt about why so many women hate their bodies, and how we can start to love our "imperfections."
The documentary, which was released in August of 2016, has sparked an ongoing string of tweets and Instagram posts like Crabbe's from people using #IHaveEmbraced to share what they love about their bodies.

This less-clothed-than-I-am-usually-comfortable-posting-selfie comes with an equally uncomfortable question: when did chubby become a bad word? ????????? I would describe my body as a little chubby right now. I would say I've been that way the majority of my life. I've always been thin enough to have a lot of privileges and I recognize that, but I think a little chubby is an apt description of my body. I cannot remember a doctor's appointment in the last two decades when my weight wasn't at least mentioned. I can't remember ever having hard edges or slim limbs. I can't remember a time when my thighs and belly weren't a little soft and a little jiggly. And as I am trying to love and appreciate this body that I often call chubby I always remember the times people corrected me when I said that. Friends would say no no no you're curvy or you're thick. Family would say no you're athletic. Some people would change the subject all together and say you're beautiful! I know these words come from kind places. They're the words of people who care about me, trying to tell me that I'm not chubby I'm something better, but what they're also saying is that chubby is bad. And I don't want to accept that anymore. I don't feel curvy or thick or athletic. I don't think I look like those words on a daily basis. I think those words have connotations of sex appeal and fitness that might make appearances in my life but aren't the main stars. I even started to use the word fluffy as a replacement but I don't feel fluffy, I'm not a pillow stuffed with feathers, I'm not clouds. I'm solid and soft and I think my body is a little chubby. And I want to say that and feel good about it. I mean it's strange. A chubby puppy? Great! A chubby bunny? Adorable! But a chubby human? Oh no no no that couldn't be good let's say something else. Well. I don't want to anymore. I want to call my hips and thighs and soft parts chubby and think "cuddly", not that chubby means something is wrong. # I guess, in short: the words you say matter, the way you listen matters more. And just like my chubby body, all of your bodies are good just the way they are.

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Like Crabbe, who uses Instagram in part to fight her eating disorder and in part to inspire other women to love their bodies, these people are attempting to "conquer body love," as she wrote in an earlier Instagram post.
"I refuse to see my reflection as a problem that needs fixing. I refuse to spend another year at war with my body," she wrote.
If you'd like to check it out, Embrace is available on iTunes.

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