What Goes Down In #TheR29Bathroom

There's been a lot of talk this year about "Instagram husbands" — a.k.a. the poor guys who get forced into taking their blogger girlfriend's #OOTD photos on the regular. But here at Refinery29 HQ, we don't rely on anyone to take our picture for us. And while we may not always have a friend available to sneak out for a coffee (and a mini photo shoot), our bathroom's full-length mirror is always there when we need it.
About a year and a half ago, I took an outfit selfie in our office ladies’ room and tagged it with #TheR29Bathroom. Since then, tons of my colleagues have followed suit, all taking their stab at the perfect mirror 'gram. We've seen bundled-up days, pretty summer whites, and all the trends, from neckties to bomber jackets, with the hashtag building up over 100 posts and counting. It's become a hub for styling ideas, uplifting comments (who doesn't love to read that "U r killing the game?"), and a true reflection — pun intended — of what the super-stylish women (and men!) of R29 wear each day. Sure, our work dress code might be a bit more casual than others’, but that doesn't mean we're not ready to get to business.
What I love most about these spur-of-the-moment selfies, though, is that they keep it real. So many of the images we see are high-quality street-style-type shots taken with professional cameras; plus, they're oftentimes heavily airbrushed, Facetuned, and who the hell knows what else. These show a #nofilter approach to making sure your half-tuck is sitting just right and your jeans cuff is one-hundred. So, if you ever find yourself at R29 HQ, don't forget to take advantage of #ther29bathroom for yourself. Until then, click on for a taste of the looks that go down behind closed doors. Who knows, you might just walk out with a few new outfit ideas.

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