What Khaleesi Would Look Like If She Were A Smoothie

If the Mother of Dragons made a morning smoothie, the healthy cocktail would be dubbed the “Mother of Dragonfruit" — at least, according to our new favorite Tumblr, Cloak and Blender.
The hilarious and quirky blog is changing the smoothie game by serving up recipes and puns, all blended together with pop culture and Insta-worthy costumes. We caught up with the mastermind behind the blog and Instagram account, 31-year-old Brooklyn resident Nicole. She spends her days teaching the young minds of NYC, and her nights moonlighting as a costumed smoothie goddess.
“The blog began as part of an attempt to lead a healthier lifestyle, and — like many narcissists of my generation — to document the process,” she says. “The first day was a photo of myself with my very first attempt at green juicing. [I sent it] to my boyfriend to prove him wrong. By day two, it was full-blown costuming.”
Nicole started juicing two years ago and has the same stance on the process as we do: “It’s not a replacement [for meals or real food], but a supplement — a way to amp up your normal, fabulous self.” Her tip for produce-drinking newbies: Spinach can disguise itself well, blends easily, and packs a powerful punch, nutritionally speaking.
Each of Nicole’s costumed tableaus is accompanied by its smoothie-recipe inspiration (prepare for some amazing puns). “The ingredients often inspire the smoothie name, or vice versa. All costumes are made using items I have lying around — and I have a lot of synthetic hair lying around.” The one costume you’ll never see is anything involving tails and whiskers: “I’m terrified of cats, and I don’t know why,” Nicole confesses. Good thing she spends her time on Instagram instead of everywhere else on the Internet.
Click through for some of the world's most creative smoothies — and then head over to Cloak And Blender for more. Juicetin Bieber, anyone?

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