The Jonas Brothers Are The Perfect Day Drinking Companions

Photo: Kevin Mazur/Fox/Getty Images.
The Jonas Brothers are living the good life. Not only are Kevin, Joe, and Nick each happily married to the loves of their lives, they’re also releasing feel-good jams to get the party going. And when they’re not at home with their wives or in the studio, they’re hitting the town in broad daylight for endless rounds of drinks. Like I said, the good life.
Late night host Seth Meyers recruited the brothers for his day drinking segment, during which he and his guests chat all things alcohol while drinking the most ridiculous cocktails ever invented. Past guests on the segment have included Meyer's parents, the Barefoot Contessa Ina Garten, Kelly Clarkson, Retta (of NBC's Good Girls), and the bad gal herself, Rihanna.
For Thursday's segment, Meyers invited his real-life brother Josh as well as his “emergency brother” actor Jack McBrayer (30 Rock) to take on the band of brothers in a series of hilarious challenges at Brooklyn’s Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club. 
After downing several sibling-themed mixed drinks (including the “baby,” which mixed Kahlua with apple juice for some reason), the stars played a number of drinking games, like identifying other famous brothers and what might have been the rowdiest round of shuffleboard in the history of the game. 
The highlight of the segment was the songwriting challenge, where both sets of “brothers” were tasked with writing a day drinking-inspired song in under five minutes. Meyers’ team did their best under the circumstances — special points for rhyming “zenith” with “penis” — but the musical talents of the Jonas Brothers blew them out of the water.
Nick led the performance, with Joe harmonizing, and Kevin strumming along on his guitar. For a song written in five minutes after a million drinks, "In Bed by Nine" isn't that bad; with a little work (and less tequila), I could actually see it hitting the Billboard charts.

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