Here's Where All The Monsters Of Netflix's Ozark Stand After The Season 2 Finale

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
Warning: Spoilers ahead for the Ozark season 2 finale, “The Gold Coast.”
Some shows are about characters. Some shows are about twists. Some shows are about brutal, violent, often deadly machinations. Netflix’s blue-hued crime thriller Ozark is undoubtedly a member of the third group. Just look at season 2’s finale, “The Gold Coast.”
The closer includes multiple murders, multiple double crosses, a casino opening, passive-aggressive whispering, shady baby trading, and a fiery explosion. There is a lot going on in the world of Marty Byrde (Jason Bateman), a financial consultant, supposed community pillar, and definite secret cartel money launderer, and his wife Wendy Byrde (a dazzling Laura Linney), the true steely will behind the operation. And it all unravels with little explanation.
That's where we come in. We’re here to explain exactly what all the scheming and killing in the Ozark finale actually means for all the many monsters of the streaming series. Keep reading for the answers, complete with the power rankings of the entire cast of violent characters.
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