Nasty Gal Has Responded To Those Fraudulent Order Claims

Update: After days of troublesome orders, Nasty Gal has responded to our request for comment regarding the online matter. Here's what they had to say: "We understand that with the shift of Nasty Gal’s ownership to the boohoo group there have been some delays and errors with orders placed prior to the sale of the company. In response, we have a designated team working around the clock to sort through all orders as well as personally reaching out to customers who have vocalized concern.
"Most shipments should be received by month’s end, though in exceptional circumstances, some orders can’t be fulfilled. In those specific cases, we are reaching out to offer incentives and the customer won’t be charged. Nasty Gal has a fiercely loyal customer base and our team is working hard to provide customers with the service and distinctive style of product that they have grown to know and expect."
This article was originally published on March 7th, 2017.
Just when we thought the Nasty Gal fiasco was over (or, at least, was quieting down), the retailer has found itself in hot water yet again. In several tweets to the recently-bankrupt-recently-acquired giant, shoppers are posting screen shots of their receipts and asking Nasty Gal what's happened to their missing orders.
In several Tweets and Instagram posts, customers have pointed out that their orders aren't coming in on time — or worse, being left unfulfilled. One wrote: "I ordered 4 items, and 1 is missing from the shipping as well as on the packing slip. Is the 4th item shipping separately?" Another said: "It's been 2 weeks and no one has responded to me regarding the whereabouts of my order. & I can no longer log into my account!"
On Monday, the brand responded with an Instagram post of Carrie Bradshaw on a broken, bedazzled phone, saying they were on top of it. "We’re still on it, guys. Your stuff will get to you soon – between March 10th and March 24th. We know it’s frustrating and we appreciate your patience during this delay, but we’re working hard to make sure your next orders are faster and easier to track than ever before. If you haven’t heard from us yet, just hang tight, we’re reaching out on an individual basis to help you handle your order," the company, which was recently acquired by boohoo, wrote.
While some customers have claimed the company has gone dark on the Tweets and direct messages for help, a look at the replies to each one shows the retailer has actually answered most. Now, as for how long it will take to clean up this e-mess remains unknown, but as pointed out above, customers should have their orders fixed by the 24th.
Editor's note: This story has been updated with more information regarding the situation.

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