Your Horoscope This Week: 26th March to 1st April, 2023

What a week we’ve entered. Pluto, the planet of rebirth, is now in Aquarius for the first time in 225 years. Mars, the planet of action, has left Gemini after a 7-month stay and entered Aquarius, and we’re experiencing the first full week of the astro new year.
On top of these major astrological shifts, we’re still buzzing off the influence of last week’s Aries new moon. If you haven’t yet taken time to set your new moon intentions, this is most definitely the week to do so, as the new moon’s potency is still coursing through and around us.  
From the 28th to the 30th of March, the moon’s presence in Cancer encourages all signs to slow down as the month comes to a close, and tune into what their emotional needs are. If you’re not used to deep diving into your emotions, the combination of the moon and Mars in Cancer will push you to do so, whether you’re ready or not. Keep a journal nearby, as you may find that letting it all out in writing feels cathartic.  
This weekend’s Leo Moon intensifies the cosmos, and an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius may lead to global affairs coming to a boil on a political and socioeconomic standpoint. On a more personal note, this Leo-Aquarius stand-off highlights our own egos and power struggles in intimate partnerships and friendships. We’d benefit from being physically active and blowing off steam in the great outdoors rather than lashing out at those around us.  

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