10 Expensive Wedding Traditions You Could Easily Skip

In 2016, the only hard-and-fast rule of weddings is there are no rules. Want to wear black instead of white? Go for it. Want to skip the hotel blocks and invite your guests to camp out in a field? Do it.
Whatever direction you ultimately choose, the wedding-planning process usually begins with research. And thanks to the internet, the material is endless. Before long, you may start to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks involved with getting married, not to mention the costs.
The good news is that there are also a lot of things that you absolutely do not need to do for your wedding — despite what you may read in bridal magazines or see on Pinterest.
Ahead, 10 things that you should feel totally okay skipping on your wedding day, whether you're trying to save money, time, or just your sanity.
This month, we're asking you to toss out everything you thought you knew about spring cleaning and give every corner of your life a refresh. The inspiration for a happier, clutter-free you is right this way.

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