Real Girl, Real Beauty: The Gorgeous Producer Behind KCRW’s Good Food

Gillian Ferguson definitely does not have a face for radio. What we mean is — she's petite, fit, and gorgeous — a total-package surprise. Plus she very enviably earns a living by chowing down. That's right — this gal is the supervising producer of KCRW's Good Food, which means she eats her way through L.A.'s hottest restos. Tough gig!
When we first laid eyes on this Venice dweller, we had two pressing questions: 1. What inspired the brand-new, edgy 'do? and 2. How does one stay so healthy when the days are packed with meals (hint — she's always spinning her wheels). Trust, we got all the dish, including the unisex scent she swears by, the best places to feast in our fair city, and...the taste of Boa constrictor — really!

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