14 Hacks For Women With Zero Extra Time

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
As much as we all love complaining about how busy we are — real talk, everyone gets a little bit of smug pleasure from declaring themselves “totally swamped” — burnout is very real and can strike even the most energetic and highly functioning among us. It happens when the exhilaration of tearing through a packed day shades into stress and causes us to start getting frustrated and slipping up. Ever worked yourself into a tizzy because your perfectly planned schedule went awry by 15 minutes? That’s classic burnout.
Now, we’ll just say right up front that we’re not going to try to convince you to slow down or give up on your ambitious on-the-go lifestyle. You do you. Instead, we want to let you in on some real-time tips and tricks that’ll shave off unnecessary time-sucks and stressors from your day. Whether it be banning that “Did I turn off my straightener?” anxiety or relying on your Google Assistant to get things done, these tricks all come by way of the most efficient, constantly on-the-move people we know. Read on (hands-free and between today’s many engagements, we’re imagining), and prepare to do what you do even better.

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