How Billie’s Co-Founder Launched A Movement With A $9 Razor

Georgina Gooley is the co-founder of Billie, a body-positive shaving brand. After working on legacy accounts like Old Spice, the advertising executive wanted to create her own company with a strong point of view — and one that didn't charge more for a razor just because it's pink. Now, she's on a mission to overhaul the entire shaving experience for women, starting by showing and celebrating body hair in the first place. This is what makes her feel powerful.

I feel most powerful when…

I first wake up in the morning. Nothing’s happened yet and the day is a completely blank slate for the taking. There’s something liberating about that feeling of possibility. I’ve learned over the years that ‘re-setting’ shouldn’t be reserved for a New Year’s resolution — every morning is a new opportunity and every day is a choice. Don’t they say, “How you live your day is how you live your life?” 

Power to me means…

Power sounds like the right to be in control. To call the shots. But I think that idea is mistaken. I find that real power actually comes from being able to inspire people to rally around a common goal. It involves setting a clear vision, galvanizing folks behind that vision, and fostering an environment that sets people up to achieve it. People tend to do their best work when they’re passionate, they feel their voice is heard, and they’re empowered to take risks and challenge the status quo. Creating an open and collaborative environment is how we’ve ended up taking risks like being the first razor brand to embrace body hair — pubic hair included — and put it on full display. 

What do you do when you feel powerless?

I tend to get overwhelmed when I lack focus and try to do too much at once. We live in an age where we are inundated with information, both good and bad, and sometimes it can really get the best of us. When I feel this way, I force myself to slow down, unplug for a bit, and do something simple like going for a walk. It’s the act of doing a little less and simplifying that helps me regain my sense of calm and clarity.

What's your power anthem?

"Move on Up" by Curtis Mayfield. The world always looks a little rosier after listening to it. When I need a quick boost or a pep in my step, this is the first thing queued up on my playlist. 

Who's your power icon?

Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand. She leads with so much compassion, humanity, and dignity. Watching the way that she orchestrated her country’s response to COVID-19 was incredible. There are so many leaders who could take cues from her.

What do you wear when you want to feel powerful?

I easily feel most powerful when I’m free to be myself, which is to say... comfortable! To me, there’s nothing worse than wearing an outfit that’s uncomfortable and distracts you from what you should be focused on. I’m a big believer that your outfit should accommodate you, not the other way around. My go-to outfit is a pair of pants that you can move in, maybe a smart blazer, and fun earrings to dress things up. I keep it simple, clean, and classic. 

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