These Products Will Flip The Light Switch On Your Dull Winter Skin

"Winter skin" might sound like too vague a catch-all term for the numerous negative effects a season can have on your skin, but trust: You know winter skin when you see it.
Rough, dry, and painfully lackluster, the saddest state of skin-related affairs happens for a number of reasons — exposure to artificial heat, like the space heater you keep under your desk in your icy-cold office that's temperature-controlled to cater to men in suits, or the blistering wind that might not be so eye-watering if only you'd wear a hat even though it makes your hair look stupid.
But short of packing your bags and moving to Los Angeles (which really isn't so bad of an idea, if you can swing it), you can still keep your skin on the up-and-up all winter long with these illuminating products, which will help undo existing damage and keep the future looking bright. It's just like flipping on a light switch inside your skin — ideally the kind that supposedly fends off seasonal depression, but that's another story entirely.

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