Chris Evans Just Captain America-ed A White Nationalist, Again

Photo: Dave Allocca/Starpix/REX/Shutterstock.
Twitter is full of trolls, and one of them happens to be a former Imperial Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan, David Duke. In all honesty, talking about Duke and his trash viewpoints is pretty counterproductive. But applauding Chris Evans for standing up to Duke and dissing him in front of thousands of followers on the internet isn't.
The Twitter saga between Evans and Duke goes back to last week, when the two first engaged online after Evans tweeted about Duke endorsing Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. He pointed out that if someone like Duke supports Sessions, then that's a red flag. I guess Duke took it pretty personally, and spent the time to PicStitch together a tweet that he hoped would be a real zinger.
He wrote "Why does Chris Evans, who plays the Jewish inspired super hero, Captain America, hate the women of his people so much? #WhiteGenocide."
First of all: excuse me? Second of all: "his people"? Third of all: what a small-minded bigot!
Evans responded with a bit more eloquence, writing, "I don't hate them. That's YOUR method. I love. Try it. It's stronger than hate. It unites us. I promise it's in you under the anger and fear."
I personally don't think Duke is even worthy of an answer, especially since his so-called insult it really just embarrassing on his part. The virtual punch to the face reminded Evans' followers the true meaning of Captain America: fighting for those who need help and never backing down. Not even against the trolliest of trolls. Not even with borderline Nazis.

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