This Netflix Hack Will Upgrade Your Viewing Experience

Netflix and chill just got an upgrade for 2016. Using this smart hack, you can set your account to sync up with your mood. Think of it as a television mood ring. According to Gizmodo — which got the idea from Twitter user @shutupmikeginn — setting up multiple accounts can help you pick your movie or TV selections based on how you're feeling at any given moment. The streaming service allows you to create up to five profiles, and though some of us share those with friends and family, using them just for yourself can be very helpful to curate what Netflix suggests to you. See, each one of the profiles will have a different viewing history, which means you'll be given very specific viewing recommendations. So when you're asked, "Who's watching?," the profile for happy you can watch all the comedies while the sad you can have a good cry with a few dramas. Or maybe you'll just want to follow Mike Ginn's lead and get even more specific with your viewing choices. Imagine an account for your secret rom-com addiction that you watch exclusively while drinking box wine, another for your late-night anime watching, and a third strictly for sci-fi and fantasy that is similar to, but is not, Game of Thrones.
Gizmodo recommends that this mood-based viewing can also make it a lot easier to find the shows you're halfway through or give you a sneaky way to watch ahead of of your significant other, who's holding you back from finishing Jessica Jones. They'll be none the wiser. It's the hack that just keeps on giving.

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