Ashlee Simpson Posts Adorable Instagrams Of Her Daughter Jagger

Gregory Pace/BEImages
Most celebrity babies have it made in the shade, but Jagger Snow Ross just might be on another level. Not only does she come from a long line of superstars (her grandmother is Diana Ross and her aunt is Jessica Simpson), but she's getting some major Instagram love from her parents Ashlee Simpson and Evan Ross. Mama Simpson, who gave birth to baby Jagger back in July, has been sharing some adorable and heartwarming photos of her family on social media. Three weeks ago Simpson introduced the world to Jagger with a darling photo and a caption that read, "We love her so much!!! She is beyond everything!!! I have the best baby daddy@realevanross In the world. Love you." Since then, the 31-year-old singer/actress has posted even more lovely family shots, including one of her son Bronx Mowgli with his baby sister. The most recent Insta from Simpson is a seriously cute pic of her beautiful daughter, with a caption directed at her husband, that reads, "Yessssss!!! Baby we did this. Look at our lovely daughter.!!#jaggersnowross❤️ She is LOVE pure love!! @realevanross." It's pretty clear that Simpson is over-the-moon for her new daughter and is downright adoring her role as doting mother. Hey, if your friends from high school can post pics of their tots all day on social media, so can the celeb whose CDs you loved in high school. Check out Ashlee Simpson's sentimental snapshots of her family below:

Here's another one of our beautiful love @realevanross and Jagger Snow Ross

A photo posted by @ashleesimpsonross on

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