Netflix Brutally Shaded People Questioning Brie Larson’s Directing Skills

Photo: Amy Sussman/Getty Images.
Sure, we all love Stranger Things, but this clapback to a fan who insulted Brie Larson's directing skills may Netflix's best content.
Captain Marvel star Brie Larson is getting ready to (hopefully) save the universe in Avengers: Endgame, but before she does, she is casually dropping her feature film directorial debut Unicorn Store on Netflix.
The movie, about a 20-something art school reject who is gifted the opportunity to fulfill a childhood fantasy, is headed to the streaming platform April 5, and already has a 70% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. However, instead of rejoicing in Larson taking her significant first step behind the camera, one Twitter user decided to suggest she won't be as good at directing as Jonah Hill, who made his directorial debut with Mid '90s last year.
The tweet has since been deleted, but according to Glamour, the user said that Larson was just "riding the Captain Marvel wave" and that she should follow in Hill's footsteps, as he worked under Martin Scorsese and "took years before he made his directorial debut out of respect for the artistry of film and the position of director."
Now, I could go on about how this is a pretty inherently sexist comment, considering that Hill has been in the entertainment business just as long as Larson has, he has fewer directing credits on his IMDb page, and, unlike Larson, did not win a special jury prize at Sundance. (Larson scored the coveted award for her short film "The Arm" in 2012.) No one questioned Hill deciding to take on a feature film or suggested that he wasn't "ready," so why come for Larson?
Netflix swooped in with receipts on Larson's skill set.
"Brie Larson has: 58 acting credits, 53 award noms, 2 writing credits, 2 short film directing credits, 1 composing credit, 1 producing credit, 1 Oscar, 1 feature directing credit.Been working since 1998; Worked with Apatow, Baumbach, Wright, Boden, Fleck, Abrahamson, and more," wrote the Netflix Film account in a tweet.
Like Carol Danvers, Larson proves with Unicorn Store that she can do anything, and be anything, she sets her sights on. In this case, it's director — and you better respect the title.

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