8 Genres Of Porn You Might Not Have Considered But Should

Photographed by Lula Hyers.
Whether you're into porn or not — and a 2015 survey suggests that more than half of women are — the odds are that many people out there have only seen heteronormative, male-gaze oriented porn. And if that works for you, great. But there's so much more than that out there — you might just not know where to find it.
Maybe you've heard of feminist porn. This is a term that was popularized a few years ago, and it means different things to different people, but it can refer to porn made under friendly labor conditions (which is why it's often not free), as well as porn that features "more normal-looking women in more normal sexual encounters, with a focus on a woman's sexual pleasure," as The Week put it. Many subgenres of porn fall under this "feminist" umbrella, and that's usually a great place to start if mainstream porn isn't for you.
And for the record, there's nothing wrong with being into the typical male gaze-oriented porn — many women are. Not to mention, it's certainly not hypocritical to be a feminist who doesn't like porn marketed as "feminist." A crucial element of the current dialogue about porn is a person's right to choose — if whatever gets you off involves consenting adults, there's no shame in watching it.
But if the porn you've seen thus far has been a major turn off for you, it might not be time to write off the whole industry just yet. From porn involving real couples to hilarious (and hot) parody porn, here are seven genres you may not have considered.

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