Milo Ventimiglia Talking About His This Is Us Funeral Will Wreck You

Chris Haston/NBC
This is Us has connected with viewers in ways that don't seem fully possible. The death of family patriarch Jack, for instance, is a weekly sore spot. Theories abound, including that he died during the 9/11 attacks. Showing us Jack's funeral this week made fans react as though they'd lost one of their own lesser relatives. Milo Ventimiglia talking about witnessing his own character's funeral will do little to ease the pain. It sounds like even he got caught up in the drama of the moment. "It was surreal because I’m staring at my face and urn, in Hollywood Forever Cemetery," he tells People. "But at the same time, I knew that how Dan and Ken [Olin, the director] have been talking about how they wanted it to be shot and shown, it was a mystery. They didn’t want to give away too much. But…it was a somber moment like anything else. I was there, and I was trying to stay out of Mandy’s eye line, but I got this photo of Mandy and the kids, and oh my God, it was like…you just see pain in her eyes, and it hurt me. It hurt me to witness that." All right Milo, settle down. All your talking is kicking up a giant dust storm in our office. Everyone's running around holding their eyes. From the dust. These are not tears of sadness over an actor talking about a fictional character. Oh no, someone brought a tornado machine and a beach worth of sand in. Crazy.

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