Wanna Listen To Kanye’s Album? For Free? On Pornhub? NO PROB

Image: Via Pornhub.
Remember that time Kanye West said that his album would only ever be available on Tidal? Well, that's officially not true. Today, The Life of Pablo popped up in a pretty strange place: Pornhub.
Yep, that's right. For what we're guessing is going to be a very limited time before Yeezy's lawyers insist that the pornography site yank it down, the album can be streamed in full here. Good luck explaining to your IT department what's going on with your browser history.
Image: Via Pornhub.
Also of note? The porn star tagged in this particular video is the one and only Kim Kardashian, so whoever uploaded the near hour-long video has a cheeky sense of humor. We're guessing Kanye isn't going to love that, either. People who don't have Tidal but do want to listen to the album are pretty pleased about being able to stream the whole thing on Pornhub, though. As one Reddit user put it: "Crazy thing is I'm finally hearing the album for the first time thanks to Pornhub."
Somehow, we don't think that Kanye is going to be quite as grateful to the adults-only site. But he's so far stayed mum on the subject. Maybe he's starting to take that Twitter moratorium Kris Jenner recently suggested to heart? Update: As of this afternoon, Pornhub has removed the video containing the full length album of The Life of Pablo.
Image: Via Pornhub.

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