Lyda Beauty

Cleopatra Cat Eye Stamp

At Lyda Beauty
Be sleek and sexy with our sleek Cat Eye Stamp. Ta... (visit site URLs for full description)


Press down the stamp...then fill in any gaps. Easy.

More from Kelsey Castañon

Because I'll never be as dedicated to the craft as her highness [Cleopatra] — only allowing myself an additional 30 seconds each morning to apply eyeliner — my wings always extend a few centimeters off from the other. This was something I learned to accept over time. Then, the Lyda Beauty Cleopatra Cat Eye Stamp landed on my desk, promising to stamp on a bold and even cat-eye in seconds — and suddenly, I felt all my Elizabeth Taylor-reincarnated dreams come true. Using the diamond-shaped end, all I had to do was press down the stamp at the corner of my eye, then fill in any gaps with the pointed felt-tip applicator on the other. Easy.