5 Influencers Share Their Commuter Essentials

Whether you're walking, taking the subway, biking, or even flying, everyone has a list of essential items that they just can't be on the move without. And since commuting isn't necessarily always the most enjoyable part of one's day, it's important to be prepared — and stay entertained — while encountering those unexpected (but totally inevitable) public transportation delays or traffic jams.
Beyond the basics (cell phone, wallet, keys), there are tons of items that we love to stuff into our bags, making our daily lives just a little bit easier (and fun). But chances are, even our most trusted essentials could use a little revamping. Ready to improve your morning commute? We asked five female powerhouses to share their list of must-haves for beating the daily grind. These items will not only make your mornings (and evenings) more productive, but they'll definitely make them more stylish, too.