13 Words That Mean Something Different To Fashion People

There's a certain vocabulary you adopt if you belong to any group — ranging from as small as your roommates ("Not sure what I want for dinner, let's just PIBE after work.") to as large as the United States ("Why is the restroom called a washroom here?"). For us fashion people, there's a whole laundry list of jargon and phraseology that's totally unique to our industry. Runway never means a tarmac. Show never means a concert. And, Anna? Well, we're definitely not talking about your cousin.
If you're part of the community, there are certain words that act as Shibboleths to fashion people, and though they have meaning to the larger English-speaking world, too, they definitely do not mean the same thing when Ghesquière rolls off your tongue as easily as great. Ahead, find 10 words that mean something totally different to us.

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