This Simple Wristband Can Ensure You Never Get A Sunburn Again

When you're lying out on the beach, surrounded by humans the color of sauced Vienna sausages, blinded by the sunshine, and sweating through your swimsuit, it can be difficult to figure out if you've had too much sun. For most of us, it isn't until we're back inside and showering off the salt that we come across that telltale burn.
Thankfully, Swedish company Intellego Designs has come by a non-annoying way to stop you from sunburning, by way of a disposable paper wristband that changes from yellow to pink as you get more and more sun. Simple to wear and easy to ignore, these bands are the first UV dosimeters of its kind. Costing less than 10 cents per bracelet, they'll also be a practical and affordable option to prevent a range of skin ailments ranging from burns to malignant melanoma. Bands with different degrees of sensitivity will be made available, so fairer-skinned and darker-skinned ladies and gents will each get a personalized experience.
Unfortunately, these wristbands aren't yet available, but it's on its way — Intellego Designs is receiving initial funding right now. We can't see any downside to it, aside from potential arm-party tan lines, or other beachgoers assuming you had just come from a Dave Matthews show — small potatoes when the consequence is no cancer. (Daily Mail)

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