Lil’ Bub, The Web’s Favorite Cat, Reviews Her Movie

Okay, it's not like we set out to be the premiere fashion stop for famous pets, but if that just happened to be the case, we wouldn't exactly mind.
After shoe-stalking with Rudy and talking catwalk trends with Grumpy, we had to hit that holiest of grails: Lil' Bub. If you aren't familiar with "perma-kitten" Bub, congratulations — you don't spend your entire life on the Internet. But if you do know the tongue-wagging, bright-eyed wonder of Bub, then you know why VICE produced a movie about the world's cutest kitten, and we're sure you won't be surprised that it won Best Feature Film at the Tribeca Film Festival (take that, cat-video haters!)
Before taking on the entire film festival circuit (plus a book tour), we had our opportunity to chat up Bub and her owner, Mike Bridavsky. To be totally honest, both Mike and Bub didn't just light up our office, but stole our hearts, as well. A few unknown Bub facts: Bub's M.O. is to donate to all the charities she visits (seriously), she has other non-dwarf cat siblings, and Mike and her do some reiki healing together to keep her comfy.
Oh, and most importantly: The love shared between Mike and Bub? Priceless.

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