Is The Latest Lady-Parts Trimming Tool An Accident Waiting To Happen?

It's summer, and we all have bikinis on the mind, but we're not sure what to make of LadyShape, "an intimate shaping tool." Apparently, the curvy little gadet is all you need to shave (yes, shave) shapes like a landing strip, a heart, or a triangle into your lady parts. Curiosity got the best of us so we clicked around the LadyShape website and the directions seem simple—use in the shower and shave around the template. But phrases in the FAQs section like "tightening ring" and "tightening device" sound like a nether-region accident waiting to happen. Then again, maybe not! For those who have no qualms about attempting at-home ladybits primping—like vajazzling—it's only $15, so order away. (BellaSugar)

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