André Leon Talley Took His New Job For The Big Bucks

"More opportunity," "Time to move on," "Ready for something different" — all of these are answers top editors give for why they're moving from publication to publication, but give it up to André Leon Talley to deliver real talk. Unless you think it takes something complicated and dramatic for top-of-the-masthead editor to make moves — beef with former employees, a fancier job title, more fabulous perks — sometimes, it's really just all about the cheddar.
Says Talley about his recent appointment as editor at large for Numéro Russia, "I’m proud to say I’m going to be 64, I felt I needed more financial security as I go in my twilight age, a little bit more cash for mortgages and as I go into retirement. I took the job because I love Russia and the salary was something fabulous. Money isn’t everything, but it is when you start thinking about putting money away for your retirement days…Anna was very sympathetic and understood and she decided we remain on good terms and that I do the digital and the online. And I’m very happy to do it." (Fashion Copious)

Photo: Rex/Rex USA