Daily Diversion: Images From Vintage Banana Republic Catalogs


Some of us around here are just old enough to recall when the windows of Banana Republic were more likely to be filled with army jeeps and jodhpurs than sensible black slacks and play-it-safe heathered sweaters. Oh, the memories. But instead of just reminiscing about BR's days as a eccentric – and far more fashion-forward – home for army-surplus fashions and
Out of Africa
-meets-Indiana Jones looks, blogger Scott Adams has created an online tribute to those khaki-filled days of yore on his site, Abandoned Republic.

A touch obsessive, Adams collects, scans, and posts the best of past catalogs, his eBay finds, and recent acquisitions (a vintage paper bag is one of his new treasures). Honestly, it makes us yearn for those lost days when the BR was king of the prepsters and their wares had more in common with Rag & Bone's men's line than Club Monaco. Sigh. (Abandoned Republic)

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