A Quick Guide To The Major Players In Wonder Woman 1984

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros Pictures.
The wait is finally over. After four delays, several trailers, and a seven-year time jump, Wonder Woman 1984 will hit small screens everywhere on December 25. Although fans have been excited since Wonder Woman broke records in 2017, director Patty Jenkins has clarified that her new film is meant to be a standalone project. "I don’t want to make more of anything," she said. "I want to make the greatest movie of all time."
If Wonder Woman was about Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) finding her footing, Wonder Woman 1984 shows us Diana now solidly in her element. She's working as an anthropologist, quietly fighting crime, and still mourning Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) when a power-hungry, calculating businessman emerges as a dangerous villain. Once again, it's on Wonder Woman to save humanity.
Because Wonder Woman 1984 technically isn't a sequel (and it takes place 66 years after Diana's origin story), you'll see a lot of faces new to the DC Extended Universe — and some surprising old ones. Here's everything to know (and remember) about the people of Diana's past and present.

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