When Does BoJack Horseman Come Back After That Season 6 Part 1 Cliffhanger?

Photo: courtesy of Netflix.
Netflix’s BoJack Horseman has been one of the best shows on television for five seasons now. In addition to its wickedly dark sense of humor, the animated comedy about a once-beloved ‘90s sitcom star named BoJack (Will Arnett) and his fall from grace started important conversations around mental health, addiction, and sexual identity. But as the series winds down, fans of the show have three burning questions: When does BoJack Horseman end? Why is BoJack Horseman ending? And is season 6 of BoJack Horseman really, truly the final season?
For five seasons, we’ve followed BoJack, his talent agent Princess Carolyn (Amy Sedaris), and his friends Diane Nguyen (Alison Brie), Todd Chavez (Aaron Paul), and Mr. Peanutbutter (Paul F. Tompkins) as they navigate the ups and downs of life and the entertainment industry. And after countless house parties, benders, and bad decisions, it’s time to say goodbye to our favorite animated horse and his pals.
But don’t worry—if you’re not ready to say goodbye just yet, you still have some time, because the sixth and final season of BoJack Horseman is split into two parts. Part one premiered on Netflix on October 25 (but let's be real, you've already finished it and that's why you're here). The second half of BoJack Horseman season 6 drops on January 31, 2020.
Yes, it's sad the show is ending, but there is a good reason behind the decision to call it quits. BoJack Horseman creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg (who also voices the nervous, bumbling tree frog named Charley Witherspoon), co-executive producer Kate Purdy, and many other members of the BoJack crew teamed up for a new project. Together they created Undone, an animated series starring Rosa Salazar and Bob Odenkirk, that premiered on Amazon Prime in September. If you’re not already watching it, you can get your dark-but-deeply-relatable laughs there.
“BoJack” himself announced the news of the series’ ending on the show’s official Twitter page back in September:
He also shared the BoJack Horseman season 6 trailer, and it appears that things will pick up a few weeks or months after where they left off. Our favorite characters are keeping busy: Princess Carolyn is struggling to adjust to life as a new mom, Diane is hard at work making videos at the website Girl Croosh, and Mr. Peanutbutter is pondering life’s biggest questions.
Last we saw of our antihero, he checked himself into rehab after assaulting his then-girlfriend and co-star Gina (Stephanie Beatriz) while filming a scene. Now, in the season 6 trailer, he appears focused on wellness and his recovery. He’s taken up gardening, practices clean eating, and participates in group activities like yoga. Sure, he smokes the occasional cigarette out of his window at night when nobody is looking. But he seems to be in a good place — hopefully.
“I wasted so many years being miserable because I assumed that was the only way to be,” he writes in a letter to Diane. “I don’t want to do that anymore.”
Of course, by the time the end of season 6, part 1 comes around, it's clear that BoJack turning over a new leaf isn't going to solve everything. And if you've reached that point, you know January can't come soon enough.

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